Difference Between Gulf and Peninsula 613623عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة يرجي التكرم بتسجبل الدخول اذا كنت عضو معنا
او التسجيل ان لم تكن عضو وترغب في الانضمام الي اسرة المنتدي
سنتشرف بتسجيلك
شكرا Difference Between Gulf and Peninsula 829894
ادارة المنتدي Difference Between Gulf and Peninsula 103798
Difference Between Gulf and Peninsula 613623عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة يرجي التكرم بتسجبل الدخول اذا كنت عضو معنا
او التسجيل ان لم تكن عضو وترغب في الانضمام الي اسرة المنتدي
سنتشرف بتسجيلك
شكرا Difference Between Gulf and Peninsula 829894
ادارة المنتدي Difference Between Gulf and Peninsula 103798
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تقنيات حصرية
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Difference Between Gulf and Peninsula

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل

Difference Between Gulf and Peninsula Empty Difference Between Gulf and Peninsula

مُساهمة من طرف باندة الاسكندرية الجمعة 12 أغسطس 2011, 10:22

2011-08-09 09:21:20-04
Gulf vs Peninsula Landforms are important elements of topography, the
study of the Earth’s surface and its shape and features. It also
includes seascapes such as ocean basins, seas, gulfs, and peninsulas.
While gulfs and peninsulas might have similar features, they are very
different from each other. In geography, a gulf is defined as an [...]
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Difference Between Male and Female Weed Seeds

2011-08-09 10:23:39-04
Male vs Female Weed Seeds Plants, like animals, have male and female
varieties. The male plants produce pollen which pollinates the flowers
of female plants. Flowers that have been pollinated produce seeds.
Marijuana, or weed plants, are also either male or female. Female
marijuana weed plants that have not been pollinated are called
“sinsemilla” or [...]
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Difference Between Medicine and Medication

2011-08-09 11:25:59-04
Medicine vs Medication Every individual at one time in his life has
experienced being ill or have contracted an ailment which can be as mild
as a cold or mild diarrhea to a more serious influenza or asthma. Some
illnesses are allowed to run their course in which case they just
disappear without requiring to [...]
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Difference Between Middle Ages and Medieval Ages

2011-08-09 11:29:31-04
Middle Ages vs Medieval Ages History is the uncovering of past events
and their compilation, organization, and publication in order to provide
knowledge and understanding about them. The word “history” came into
the English language in 1390 from the Greek word “historia” which means
“to inquire.” It is based on oral and written accounts that [...]
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Difference Between Pokemon Red and Pokemon Blue

2011-08-09 12:32:31-04
Pokemon Red vs Pokemon Blue Video games have become hugely popular in
the last fifteen years or so. Most are created by Japanese programmers,
and two of the leading video games are released by Nintendo; the Mario
and Pokemon series of video games. Pokemon is a contraction of the
Japanese brand Pocket Monsters and refers [...]
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Difference Between Ragu and Bolognese

2011-08-09 13:37:25-04
Ragu vs Bolognese Italian cuisine is famous for its simplicity and
variety with cheese and wine as major components of every Italian food
recipe. It is also known for its pasta of different shapes, lengths, and
widths and sauces with different ingredients. There are several
different sauces used in Italian food and cooking. One is [...]
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Difference Between Treble and Bass

2011-08-09 14:43:23-04
Treble vs Bass Music is an art that uses sound and silence as its
medium. It can be heard every day and can be slow or upbeat, loud or
soft, old or new, classical or modern. Different people enjoy different
types of music as each musical piece has different characteristics, but
all of them involve [...]
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Difference Between CPI-U and CPI-W

2011-08-09 16:47:59-04
CPI-U vs CPI-W With the fast increase in prices during World War I, the
Consumer Price Index (CPI) was created in order to efficiently calculate
adjustments in the cost-of-living of workers. It measures the price
level changes of goods and services that are bought by a household. The
prices of the samples of each item [...]
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Difference Between Flying Ants and Termites

2011-08-09 17:52:05-04
Flying Ants vs Termites Ants are insects that are related to bees and
wasps. They form colonies that are composed of worker ants, soldier
ants, drones, and queens. The drones and the queen ants have wings which
the queen ants shed after mating during the nuptial flight. It is
during this nuptial flight that people [...]
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Difference Between Line and Line Segment

2011-08-09 18:58:37-04
Line vs Line Segment In the study of geometry and mathematics, shapes,
sizes, positions, quantity, and changes are examined and analyzed. These
two fields are also involved in the study of lines and line segments.
The term “line” comes from the Middle English word “ligne” which comes
from the Old English word “line” for the [...]
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Difference Between MCCB and MCB

2011-08-09 20:02:28-04
MCCB vs MCB Electricity or electric power has been utilized for
industrial and residential use starting in the late 19th century. It has
greatly altered society and the different industries that provide
products and services with its various applications in transportation,
communications, computation, heating, and lighting. It uses electric
current from the most positive part [...]
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Difference Between NFA and DFA

2011-08-09 21:05:59-04
NFA vs DFA The theory of computation is a branch of computer science
that deals with how problems are solved using algorithms. It has three
branches, namely; the computational complexity theory, the computability
theory, and the automaton theory. The automaton or automata theory is
the study of abstract mathematical machines or systems that can be [...]
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Difference Between Prune and Plum

2011-08-09 22:10:08-04
Prune vs Plum Plants that belong to the genus Prunus, such as cherries,
are cultivated as ornamental plants and also for their fruits. Almonds
are cultivated for their seeds, and apricots, peaches, and plums are
cultivated for their fruits. The fruits of the plum plant are either
eaten fresh or dried. Dried plums are also [...]
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باندة الاسكندرية
باندة الاسكندرية
مديرة منتدى

تاريخ التسجيل : 03/02/2010
العمل/الترفيه : مهندسة
الموقع : منتدى ليلتي

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

Difference Between Gulf and Peninsula Empty رد: Difference Between Gulf and Peninsula

مُساهمة من طرف باندة الاسكندرية الجمعة 12 أغسطس 2011, 10:23

Difference Between SPC and SQC

2011-08-09 23:13:02-04
SPC vs SQC While consumers have the last say on the whether a certain
product meets their specific needs and quality specifications,
manufacturers or producers make sure that their products are of good
quality and fit for distribution. Every manufacturing company has a
department assigned on quality control, a process wherein all elements
involved in [...]
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Difference Between SSI and SSA

2011-08-10 00:16:47-04
SSI vs SSA During a person’s productive years, he works in order to
provide for his everyday needs and to save for the time when he is no
longer able to work. Most governments, including the United States
government, have created agencies that oversee programs that provide
benefits to individuals who reach retirement age. The [...]
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Difference Between Table of Contents and Index

2011-08-10 02:19:24-04
Table of Contents vs Index When writing a book, a research paper, or any
document for publication, it is required that it contain certain parts
or pages. Two parts that are required in any book or formal report are
the table of contents and the index. While both contain lists of
important items that are [...]
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Difference Between Gun and Rifle

2011-08-10 03:54:43-04
Gun vs Rifle The invention and development of firearms started in
Ancient China with the discovery of gunpowder. Firearms are weapons that
cast bullets, missiles, or shells that contain a burning propellant
such as gunpowder at a high velocity. In the years since the invention
of firearms, they have become the main weapons used by [...]
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Difference Between Root and Base Word

2011-08-10 10:08:16-04
Root vs Base Word A word can be simple or complex. In its simplest form,
it can have a definite meaning. When combined with other words, it can
form new words that may or may not have similar meanings as the original
word which can either be a root word or a base word. A [...]
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Difference Between Fish and Reptiles

2011-08-10 10:54:13-04
Fish vs. Reptiles A fish is an animal that lives only in the water,
whereas a reptile lives in both land and water. A fish is an aquatic
vertebrate that is cold blooded or ectothermic. The reptile is also a
cold blooded animal that is covered by scutes or scales. Fish also have
scales, although [...]
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Difference Between Exception and Error

2011-08-10 11:00:38-04
Exception vs. Error Exception and error are commonly understood to be
two very different ideas. The concepts represented by each, however,
aren’t always black and white. An error is interpreted as a flawed
answer, behavior or approach, that is understood to be wrong – based on a
rule, law or situation with which it is not [...]
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Difference Between Anterograde Amnesia and Retrograde Amnesia

2011-08-10 11:08:33-04
Anterograde Amnesia vs. Retrograde Amnesia Amnesia is a common cliché
for movies and television programs. In those instances, it is portrayed
as the dramatic form of forgetting who you are. Thus, it is not just as
simple as that. It occurs when a part of the brain in which the function
is to retrieve stored [...]
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Difference Between Aphrodite and Venus

2011-08-10 12:00:04-04
Aphrodite vs Venus Aphrodite is the goddess of love, beauty and romance
in Greek mythology. Her origin traces back to the time when Cronus
severed the genitals of his father, Uranus, god of heaven. Greek
mythology states that the nasty Uranus imprisoned his children as they
born so that no son of his may challenge [...]
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Difference Between Absolute and Relative

2011-08-10 13:27:08-04
Absolute vs Relative Absolute came from the Latin words absolute and
absolvere which mean “to set free or make separate”. Absolute is defined
as free from any limitation, qualification, condition or restriction.
When used as an adjective, is it used to mean final and not liable to
modification. Furthermore, a thing that is conceived to [...]
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Difference Between Ruler and Straightedge

2011-08-10 14:31:37-04
Ruler vs Straightedge Carpenters, engineers, architects use different
tools o measure the length of a material, surface of the area, etc.
These tools are very important to give accuracy tot heir work. Examples
of these tools are ruler and straightedge. A ruler and a straightedge
differ in function. Although both are used to measure the [...]
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Difference Between Female and Male Crabs

2011-08-10 15:02:19-04
Female and Male Crabs The majority of consumers eat crabs without asking
if they are eating male or female crabs. For sure, they can’t tell
which one is male and which isn’t. To add to the confusion, the
characteristics of some crabs may also vary depending on their specific
species. Nonetheless, either one surely tastes [...]
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Difference Between Scarcity and Shortage

2011-08-10 16:48:46-04
Scarcity vs Shortage The terms “scarcity” and “shortage” should all be
viewed with reference to the concepts of microeconomics since looking at
both using the layman’s point of view will make the two almost
interchangeable. So these two concepts are very interrelated and have
something to do with the model of supply and demand. “Demand” [...]
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Difference Between Wizard and Warlock

2011-08-10 18:54:27-04
Wizard vs Warlock Differentiating a warlock from a wizard may be tough
most especially if you ask from several opinions from different
individuals. Some may even confuse the two with other worldly magical
beings like witch, mage, and sorcerer. Nevertheless, both persons use
magic in their crafts. Foremost, “warlock” is a term whose history of
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Difference Between Imply and Infer

2011-08-10 20:56:38-04
Imply vs Infer The differences between the verbs “imply” and “infer” are
so subtle. It comes as no surprise that many use the two words
interchangeably when in reality it is not the case. Nevertheless, the
best way to distinguish the two is by familiarizing the communication
model that is composed of two personas, namely, [...]
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Difference Between Slaves and Indentured Servants

2011-08-10 22:59:35-04
Slaves vs Indentured Servants The difference between slaves and
indentured servants has been blurred because of the changes that
happened across various points in time. And so their respective
characteristics or roles may appear different when you look at them from
different historical perspectives. Generally speaking, though, slaves
appear to be more pitiful than indentured [...]
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Difference Between Chives and Green Onions

2011-08-11 00:04:22-04
Chives vs Green Onions Many are confused in distinguishing spices like
green onions, chives, scallions, shallots, leeks, and onions. It is
probably because they bear close resemblances with each other. This
should not come as a surprise because all of which are part of the onion
family. Nevertheless, there’s a very fine line that draws [...]
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باندة الاسكندرية
باندة الاسكندرية
مديرة منتدى

تاريخ التسجيل : 03/02/2010
العمل/الترفيه : مهندسة
الموقع : منتدى ليلتي

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

Difference Between Gulf and Peninsula Empty رد: Difference Between Gulf and Peninsula

مُساهمة من طرف باندة الاسكندرية الجمعة 12 أغسطس 2011, 10:25

Difference Between Richter Scale and Mercalli Scale

2011-08-11 02:08:16-04
Richter Scale vs Mercalli Scale Whenever an earthquake occurs (perhaps
the deadliest of all natural disasters), experts use certain tools to
measure seismic activities of the Earth and gauge the strength of the
phenomenon. In relation to this, scales such as the Richter and Mercalli
are used to give the public some insight and make [...]
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Difference Between Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence

2011-08-11 04:10:43-04
Self-Esteem vs Self-Confidence In psychology, self-efficacy is your
ability to be productive and complete certain tasks. However, you will
not be able to successfully perform your daily tasks or even counter the
stresses of your life if you are not equipped with other mental
faculties like self-esteem and self-confidence. The reason why many
become confused [...]
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Difference Between Muscular Strength and Muscular Endurance

2011-08-11 06:12:57-04
Muscular Strength vs Muscular Endurance Building muscle is easier said
than done. You need to exert that extra effort if you want to look
firmer, gain more muscle strength, and develop muscle endurance. A
properly executed workout plan is necessary if you want to achieve your
fitness objectives. Muscular strength is the ability of your [...]
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Difference Between Poison Ivy and Poison Oak

2011-08-11 08:19:06-04
Poison Ivy vs Poison Oak There is not much of a difference between
poison ivy and poison oak. Both are plants. Both of them come from the
plant family known as Toxicodendron. Inside these plants is a chemical
poison known as “urushiol” which can cause allergic reaction in the
skin. This severe allergic reaction causes [...]
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باندة الاسكندرية
باندة الاسكندرية
مديرة منتدى

تاريخ التسجيل : 03/02/2010
العمل/الترفيه : مهندسة
الموقع : منتدى ليلتي

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

Difference Between Gulf and Peninsula Empty رد: Difference Between Gulf and Peninsula

مُساهمة من طرف ابو المجد الجمعة 12 أغسطس 2011, 11:22

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

جزاكم الله خير الجزاء وأحسن الله إليكم على هذه المشاركة
ابو المجد
ابو المجد
المدير العام
المدير العام

تاريخ التسجيل : 20/04/2009
العمل/الترفيه : تقني
الموقع : المغرب

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

Difference Between Gulf and Peninsula Empty رد: Difference Between Gulf and Peninsula

مُساهمة من طرف wisam الجمعة 12 أغسطس 2011, 21:41

بارك الله فيكِ
سلمت يداكِ
عضو فعال
عضو  فعال

تاريخ التسجيل : 10/07/2009

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

Difference Between Gulf and Peninsula Empty رد: Difference Between Gulf and Peninsula

مُساهمة من طرف قطر الندى الجمعة 12 أغسطس 2011, 23:34

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة

دومك رائعه مبدعه

بارك الله فيك
يعود عليك رمضان بكل الخير

اللَّهُمَّ اجْعَلْ عَمَلَنَا كُلَّهُ خَالِصَاً لِوَجْهِكَ الكَرِيمِ..
قطر الندى
قطر الندى
نائبة المدير
نائبة المدير

تاريخ التسجيل : 07/07/2011

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

Difference Between Gulf and Peninsula Empty رد: Difference Between Gulf and Peninsula

مُساهمة من طرف باندة الاسكندرية الأربعاء 24 أغسطس 2011, 10:57

Difference Between Gulf and Peninsula Scaled.php?server=585&filename=72445157

دمتم بخير وود
خالص تحياتي

Difference Between Gulf and Peninsula Scaled.php?server=683&filename=40648905
باندة الاسكندرية
باندة الاسكندرية
مديرة منتدى

تاريخ التسجيل : 03/02/2010
العمل/الترفيه : مهندسة
الموقع : منتدى ليلتي

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

Difference Between Gulf and Peninsula Empty رد: Difference Between Gulf and Peninsula

مُساهمة من طرف الخنساء الخميس 25 أغسطس 2011, 00:14

جازاك الله خيرا على الموضوع الطيب ،

و ألف شكر على الطرح الطيب
نائبة المدير
نائبة المدير

تاريخ التسجيل : 20/10/2010

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

Difference Between Gulf and Peninsula Empty رد: Difference Between Gulf and Peninsula

مُساهمة من طرف حارس المنتدى الخميس 25 أغسطس 2011, 10:04

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة

يسلموا عاشت ايديك ومشكورة للمعلومات

بارك الله فيك ورمضان مبارك
حارس المنتدى
حارس المنتدى
المراقب العام
المراقب العام

تاريخ التسجيل : 30/05/2009

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

Difference Between Gulf and Peninsula Empty رد: Difference Between Gulf and Peninsula

مُساهمة من طرف باندة الاسكندرية الجمعة 16 سبتمبر 2011, 13:29

Difference Between Gulf and Peninsula 1213-1600x1000
اشكركم على مروركم
الطيب في صفحاتي
خالص تقديري لكم
باندة الاسكندرية
باندة الاسكندرية
مديرة منتدى

تاريخ التسجيل : 03/02/2010
العمل/الترفيه : مهندسة
الموقع : منتدى ليلتي

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة

إنشاء حساب أو تسجيل الدخول لتستطيع الرد

تحتاج إلى أن يكون عضوا لتستطيع الرد.

انشئ حساب

يمكنك الانضمام لمنتديات تقنيات فعملية التسجيل سهله !

انشاء حساب جديد

تسجيل الدخول

اذا كنت مسجل معنا فيمكنك الدخول بالضغط هنا

تسجيل الدخول

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:
لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى